Thank you so much for visiting my site. I hope at least one or two of the moments I have captured have made you smile. I have three roles in this life: Mommy, Teacher, Photographer, and Mommy. All three of these roles are vitally important to me.
Wait, did I put mommy twice? Ugh! Mommy brain.
As a wedding photographer, I am not only someone to capture your wedding but someone to call your friend. When we decide we are a good fit and you are not scared off by my goofy sense of humor, I will begin the "getting to know you process". I will stalk all of your social media sites, ask you the most inappropriately invasive questions, and spend weeks and weeks studying you and your fiance, studying your family dynamics, discussing all the details of the day, offering unsolicited advice, and just being your partner in your wedding preparation. That way when the day comes, your pictures will be an extension of your vision, not mine.
I have no desire to photograph your wedding as I see it, but as you remember it. The moments you cherished, the moments you missed, the details as you envisioned them. I want your wedding pictures to be something you'll cherish always. I want to make your dreams come true (the good ones, not the bad ones where your groom won't stop making out with his ex-girlfriend, your dress has caught fire, you can't find your wedding band, and your teeth are falling out of your mouth)
Between being a mitzvah photographer and a middle school special education teacher, I often joke that I spend most of my life with thirteen year old boys. But then I realize how odd that sounds and I start to believe that I have spent too much of my life with thirteen year old boys. Because of this, I have a unique set of skills that make me immune to the wonderfully peculiar and frustratingly erratic behaviors that accompany this wonderful age. This means your son will not frustrate me by his unwillingness to "smile right" for his photos nor will I mind your daughter's insistence that her snaps and selfies are more important than portraits with her Bubbie. I just make some reference to YouTube Poop or the wonderfully distinct smell of cheese farts and I am accepted as one of their own.
There is just so much I would like to tell you about myself. I decided the best way would be the following:
1. I have always loved photography. To the point where, in high school, I would purposely NOT wear rubber gloves when developing my film because I just loved that smell. It was not really a problem except I always had photography class right before lunch and there was not enough time between classes to wash my hands.
2. I used to hate when celebrities would have a child and then gush about how amazing and fulfilling their life is now due to their precious little miracles. Blech! Speaking of children, I have been blessed with three wonderful amazing angels. They have fulfilled my life in ways I could never imagine. They truly are three of life's precious miracles.
3. I inadvertently accord feelings to inanimate objects . It doesn't affect me detrimentally except when I start to feel anxious when using the garbage disposal. I feel like I am feeding Lando to the Sarlacc and it makes me feel guilty.
4. I have this weird aversion to people publicly discussing my food. I have no idea why but it makes me completely uncomfortable when people comment on what I am eating. When I am at Wawa and the deli person shouts out, "#284 Meatball Shorti with extra cheese" I cringe inside and want to just run to my car in utter humiliation.
5. The one thing in this world I am NOT modest about is my penmanship. I take great pride when people compliment me on it. I get jealous when I meet other people who have equally exquisite handwriting. When I am at a teaching in-service, and someone needs to write on the big chart paper for a presentation, I secretly hope someone will nominate me and people will be dazzled by my skills.
6. My sister and I can communicate telepathically. She is my twin even though she was born on my fifth birthday. She knew I was going to tell you that.
7. I have no tolerance for anyone who does not know the difference between the possessive s and the plural s. If you send me a holiday card from the Smith's...I will silently judge you.
8. My freshman year in college, I took Rhetoric 101 (a speech and composition class). For our first persuasive essay, we were to present a speech on a topic about which we felt very strongly. Others wrote about the necessity of recycling, the death penalty, and abortion. I wrote a compelling speech about my dog, Barkley, and why he was the greatest dog in the universe. When I finished and my professor and classmates realized I was earnest and genuine in my steadfastness, their faces were frozen in disbelief and incredulity.
9. One time while waitressing, I was waiting on a man who was fighting with his wife. When he left, he threw $100 on the table for his $30 bill. I gave the money to my manager in case the man came back. He did, thanked me profusely, and left me a $20 tip. I beat myself up for my honesty when I could have made $70! Later that night, a couple purposely left me a $50 tip on a $50 bill. It is that day I officially believed in karma.
10. I am a chronic smiler. It does not sound like a problem but it can be confusing when people noticeably break out in a smile when they look at me. It makes me feel like something is wrong until I realize...they are just responding in kind. :)
PS-If you find any grammatical errors on this page, you have my full permission to silently judge me.