Anniversary Mini-Session Giveaway!

July 24, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Anniversary Mini-Session Giveaway!

What an amazing year this has been.  What started out as an opportunity to help my family survive some financial hard times has blossomed into one of the greatest experiences of my life!  I have reconnected with people I thought I would never see again, met so many new and interesting people, and finally have the time and energy to put towards my life's love: photography. I have had many adventures along the way with exploding hard drives, website malfunctions, discovering the beauty of a cup of caffeine at 10 o'clock at night, and just learning everything about my craft!  But, I could not have done this without you!  Without your support, there is no Bonnie Wireback Photography. Therefore, to thank all of you for your support...

 I am giving away a FREE mini-session

to the family that wins this contest! 

The rules are very simple:  The family with the most points, wins!  That's all!

How do you accrue points?  Three easy ways:

1.  One point:  Have friends or family comment on your picture! One point per comment.

2.  Two points:  Every referral I received because of you has banked you two points!  Even referrals off of referrals got banked!

3.  Five points: Leave a positive testimonial on my website telling everyone about our time together!


The winner will be announced July 31, 2012!


Below you will see one picture for each family (31 posts) I was blessed to take portraits of this year.  Instruct your friends and family to comment on your picture and you will get a point! Post a testimonial...five points!  And referrals? Someone is already leading the pack, so get started!

But wait!  Did I take your portraits this year and you preferred privacy so your pictures never made it to the web?  No fear! Tell you friends and family to email me their support, send me a testimonial, and you will still in the game!

Good luck everyone!





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