The Stone Barn, Kennett Square, PA | NJ Wedding Photographer | I Will Be There

November 12, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Brides, I'm going to tell you a secret.  

Weddings are stressful.  

There, I said it.  I took the wool off of everyone's eyes, I broke the spell, I've told the honest truth that no one would dare say.  I've gone rogue.  

Okay, maybe you already knew this, but really think about it.  You have spent the last few months planning a stretch of eight hours in which minute details involving dozens of professionals must all come together seamlessly. You have dreamed of this day since you can remember having Barbie marry Optimus Prime, thereby making your reality near impossible of ever matching the vision your eight-year old self had of this day.

It's an impossible situation we, as brides, put ourselves in.  I did it, you've done it, you will do it.  But you know what?  There is one moment that WILL live up to your dreams and make every last hair-pulling tearful anxiety-filled hour worth the trouble.

The moment you lay eyes on the man who will become your family.  

The other half to your soul.  The man who makes all your dreams come true on a daily basis.   The man who woke up this morning your boyfriend and will go to sleep this evening your husband.  

I love this moment.  I look forward to it every time it happens.  But this wedding was a little different (as they all are).  The reason I bring up the idea of weddings being stressful at this wedding is because the bride's emotions were so palpable, it was near impossible to be in the same room with her and not have her emotions spill over into your own.  Feeling her anxiety when hiccups happened during the day, everyone in the room had to fight back tears as her stress became our stress.  When it seemed that things would work out just fine, I found myself overcome with hope and prayer for her that everything would go as she dreamed.  Throughout the morning, when she would speak of her undying adoration of her groom, I had to hold myself back from hugging him the moment I saw him (okay, maybe I didn't hold myself back.  I couldn't help it!)  But this all pales in comparison to seeing how he affected her the moment they touched was nothing short of magical.  It was as if he were a sponge, sucking all the stress and anxiety out of her body to never be felt again.  All she was capable of feeling was love.  And joy.  And a feeling of protection that no matter what this world throws at her, he will be there, always.  

I know that's waxing poetic but when you see the pictures of the picturesque Final Prayer the bride and groom made together, you'll see it's not hyperbole, it's an accurate representation of what happened.  He literally made her dreams a reality the moment he took her hand and took away all her fears. It was a sight I will not soon forget!

Sigh...this is why I LOVE weddings!!

And a HUGE shout-out to Kelly Walty of Silver Lining Photography.  Her awesomeness as my cohort in crime just made this wedding all the more spectacular! 

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