SJ Wedding Photographer | Greate Bay Country Club | You're the Best Thing...

April 08, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

When the bride warned me that she was a cryer, I was prepared.  I wanted to document her emotion but do so in way that did not involve snot or red cheeks or any other undesirable side effect to emotionally-based tears.  

What she didn't warn me about was EVERYONE ELSE'S TEARS.  (and snot)

Or my own tears, for that matter. (lots of snot)

While it would seem odd to rejoice in so many people's tears (and snot), it really was beautiful to see such emotion play out on so many people's faces.  This was one of the most emotionally charged joyful weddings I have yet to experience and I am forever thankful that I am the one who was honored to document it.  Not only because it was a beautiful union of two beautiful people, but because the bride and I...well, we go way back.  

We are a part of a very special group of almost a dozen offspring of a group of life-long friends.  Our mothers have been a part of our lives for as long as we can remember.  They attended our Bat Mitzvahs, our weddings, they have been a part of our children's lives, and because of that, the bride and I have been a part of each other's lives for as long as I can remember.  Our history goes back to the nights our moms would  leave us with our dads so they could play mahjong together and has continued over the years to now include the birth of our children.  Their collective grandchildren.  

So you can understand why I  just had to steal a pack of tissues from the literal crate of tissues the bride brought in, KNOWING, that the halls would be flooded with tears of joy, mine included.  

And flow they did.  

Because the two people who took vows this day not only committed to a lifetime of love and and devotion, but apparently, a lifetime of joy.  Of pure joy. A joy that could so clearly be read on their faces.  Take one look at the groom the first time he saw his bride and you'll see what I'm talking about.  All day long, all you heard was people commenting on how happy this couple is.  Everyone from the Rabbi of Beth Judah to the loved ones to the children who themselves were beaming with joy.  Every single person present at this wedding noted how happy this couple make each other. 

It's the kind of joy you wish everyone in this world could experience.

But it wasn't just that.  The joy was not limited to this couple.  There were three other people here this day who rejoiced alongside them, who felt their joy as much as they did, who with their childlike view of the world, understood the value of the man who had just forever entered their family.

The children.  

The joy that was so present in her children just made me break out the tissues once again.  To hear them talk about him with adoration, to see them embrace him with such devotion, to see their joy that this man has been brought into their life was so moving, I ended up stealing more than a few packs of tissues to make it through this day.  

And not for nothing, but getting to see my mommy and daddy and aunts and uncles kick it up on the dance floor of Greate Bay Country Club just brought this occasion another degree of joy for me.  Although I was "accused" of spending too much time photographing a certain couple with whom I share DNA, I laughed it off.  Because I was not just photographing them because I love them, I was photographing joy.  Whether it was the bride's, the groom's, the kids', the guests', the parents', or my own joy at seeing my parents so happy, it did not matter.  

This was a day of joy for all.

And a big joyful gracious thank you to Marisa of MnM Family Photography for her amazing skills and support!   

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