New Jersey Wedding Photographer | Masso's Caterers | Bless the Broken Road | Me Dofo Pa

July 18, 2014  •  1 Comment

Having introduced this couple in my last blogpost, you already know their story.  The bride went to Africa to join the Peace Corps and ended up finding the love of her life.  Well, this is the conclusion to that story.  The story of the day they became man and wife.  There were so many magical moments from start to finish, I had a tough time holding myself together and not randomly hugging guests or breaking out in tears of joy when these two wonderful people became united as one.  What magical moments?

Let's see....

Like the details of this wedding.  Every bride's wedding gown and rings and baubles are gorgeous, the most gorgeous I have ever seen.  But this bride's...well, they were the most gorgeous I have ever seen.  It's why I disappeared for inordinate amounts of time so I could photograph these gorgeous items.  

Or the melding of two different cultures.  I was so in awe of seeing how seamless the African and American cultures blended.  It was so seamless, it was hard to recognize what elements were from his culture and what was from hers. But that's the best part!  It didn't matter!  It was all theirs, what was his was hers and what was hers was hers, I mean his!  Sorry, sign of things to come.  

Oh, and the laughter and joy!  If you've never played The Shoe Game at your wedding, you're missing out.  It was hard to keep my composure while rolling around laughing about the answers this bridge and groom gave.  While it was adorable when their answers matched, it was hysterical when they didn't.  I loved getting this intimate view into their love!  And driving habits...

Did I mention the eye candy that was the African attire?  Just a feast for the eyes.  

Those that know me also know another reason why this wedding was so magical for me.  That would be because the exact place where this bride and groom took their vows is the EXACT spot where my husband and I did the same!  Grand Wooded Falls at Masso's Catering is where I, too, started my life's journey with my life's love.  

But you know what?  These are all just minor details that just were icing on the wedding cake.  What made this wedding magical from start to end were the people.  The family who came from Africa to witness this joyous occasion.  The grandmother who could not hide her joy over the bonding of these two families.  The guests who excitedly videoed and snapped their own pictures to share with those loved ones back home in Ghana who could not make the trek.  The little people who made my heart burst with joy over their cuteness and relationship with each other.  The sisters who cried with jubilation over the marriage of their sister to her soul mate.  The love that poured out of every single person at this wedding.  

And my most favorite part of the day?  I didn't even tell the bride and groom this so hopefully they remember!  While we were taking their formal portraits, I asked the bride to lean on the groom's shoulder and look at me.  I had to pause to adjust my settings and she just developed this serene look of utter happiness on her face.  It was so precious, I couldn't contain myself and said, "Oh my goodness, you look so happy right now".  But then, HE responded, "Of course I'm happy!  I came from Ghana to marry this woman!!!!"

I wasn't talking to him.  Could I love him any more??

The whole day was like that.  Joy. Joy.  And more Joy.  

A HUGE thank you to Jessica Cooper of Jessica Cooper Photography for shooting with me.  She just can't contain her awesomeness and made the day that much more joyful.

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This was absolutely gorgeous Bonnie!!! I love everything about this couple!
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