Camden County Event Photographer | Sixty Triumphant Years

July 24, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

When I started this business, I thought I just wanted to take nice pictures for nice people.  But somewhere along the way, it became less about pretty pictures and more about emotions and memories.  I came to realize, I am documenting the human experience.  I am creating memories for people that they will cherish long after they forget my name.  

This event is why I bring this up.  I know I always say every person I photograph is special, but I promise, this man is really REALLY SPECIAL.  I was called upon for a very special 60th birthday celebration of one certain individual.  Having never met him or his lovely lady before, you would think I would feel like a stranger in someone's home.  You would think I would feel a bit uncomfortable interacting with and sticking my camera into the faces of his loved ones who were strangers to me.  

Not for a moment did I feel a second of discomfort.  From the moment I walked in, I was family. From big smiles of appreciation for my presence to taking the time to talk to me and tell me "their story", I got to know this wonderful group of people and definitely got to appreciate what brought them all together: one extraordinary man.  

Not only is he one of the most vivacious, loving, exuberant men I have ever met but he is also one of the most resilient.  He has triumphed over more physical health challenges than men twice his age.  While no one referenced his brushes with mortality, you could feel it in the room.  You could literally feel the palpable appreciation of this man's existence and this achievement of reaching sixty years of living. 

And honestly, I can fully understand why.  Being surrounded by all of his loved ones, this birthday boy literally went out of his way to make ME feel special.  To make ME feel appreciated.  I feel giddy just thinking about it!

And the greatest part of the night?  Getting to capture the love he has for the woman who has been by his side for the past 25 years.   The love this man has for his life's love is just astounding.  I had to put down my camera due to tears welling up when he so eloquently spoke of his love for her. Supporting him through all these years, through all those physical hardships, all the love in the room paled in comparison with the love that emanated from this man for this woman.   I won't get the words right but hopefully the message is clear.  

When referencing her, he told this crowd of loving friends and family,

"She's the reason I'm alive and she's the reason...I'm alive."

The only thing that could have made this night any better was if the person we can credit with the existence of this wonderful man could have been in attendance.  His mother, who resides in Florida, could not make it in for the celebration of sixty triumphant years.  Even though the night was as perfect as could be, her presence was still missed.

Of course I'm building up to something.  You gotta read to the end of the blog to find out.  

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"Celebrating my birthday again...with mom"




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