NJ Wedding Photographer | St. John's Episcopal Church | Lovely Tonight: Part I

November 25, 2014  •  1 Comment

Well, that was a fun break from blogging! Now that my little family is complete, back to the blogging board I go, and what a wedding to come back to!  Because this was the first wedding I took on as a nursing photographer and since this was the first photographic event after being on maternity leave, this wedding meant so much to me as did this couple who dared take a chance on me.  They didn't know what would happen after I gave birth, what I was capable of.  Heck, neither did I!  But they chose me and I am so glad they did.  Because...their wedding was all about me.  

No, you didn't misread that.  This wedding was all about me.  

First, there was their engagement session.  One of my most favorite ever because it was at my alma mater.  Not really, but don't we all pretend that Princeton University is our alma mater?  

Then there was her ring. One of my most favorite ever because it looks just like mine!

Then there was the church.  The gorgeous St. John's Episcopal Church which was home to one of the most charismatic priests with whom I have worked.

And of course, the venue.  Bridgewater Manor.  Elegance cubed.  Like me.

But for me (since it's all about me) it was about the people I met.  It was about the bride's mother, who did nothing but make me giggle with how genuinely excited she was for her daughter's day.  And the bride's father, who I may or may not have nursed a secret crush on because he was so endearing.  It was the bridal party who stepped up and made my job so easy in the most wonderful and beautiful way possible.  If a bridesmaid or sister saw the bride stressing, BAM!  There she was, making her laugh.  If a groomsmen was needed for a picture, BAM!  Where do you need me?  What do you need me to do?  

But really, it was about the couple themselves that really made this wedding so wonderful for me.  Being invited to bear witness to their most special day, their most vulnerable day, is an honor for which there are no words.  To be invited to take a glimpse into their happiness, not only during the "CHEESE!!!" moments, but those sweet little moments when they are so wrapped up in their love, they can't help but show it.  So many times I caught the groom looking adoringly at his wife.  So many times, I watched the bride be the queen of the day and when she saw her husband, her world melted away.  Their love was truly admirable and made me reflect upon a wedding gift that was given to me and my husband (because remember, who's it all about?)  It was a wedding gift that was inscribed with the words, 
"May the Love You Share Today Be With You Always".  

This is my wish for them. 

Thank you to the incomparable Kristy Straub of Syllipsi Photography.  She was the one of the few people on a very short list I could trust to be my side for my first wedding back from maternity leave.  You're about to see why.   I had to break this blogpost into TWO posts because it was too much awesomeness for just one.  

At least according to my webhost.   

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Click here to see the rest of their magical day.


Nancy Roth
Megan and Bryan's wedding was perfect from beginning to the end! Bonnie was with us every step of the way-through the nervousness in the morning getting ready, through the very touching ceremony, to the fantastic and in all ways reception. She captured all the memories we will have forever. Every proof is so beautiful, I'm having a hard time picking out the ones for the mother's album. Even the engagement pictures were great! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
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