Camden County Wedding Photographer | Woodcrest Country Club | Details...Details...

December 23, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

There are so many aspects to a wedding day that make it memorable.  Of course, always and every time, the bond that is solidified between two people and the loved ones who have been chosen to witness that eternal coupling are the most memorable.  The faces, the laughter, the tears, the loving hugs and's what the day is all about.

But what about all those details?  What about all those elements that the bride painstakingly labored over for months so they could complement her day in the way she envisioned?  All those puzzle pieces that had to come together so the loved ones chosen to be there that day would ooh and aah over them?  Aren't they just as important?

Not really.  

Didn't expect me to say that, huh?

They are not as important as the bond that is created or the memories that are made, but they are extremely important in their own right.  The details of a wedding truly do so much to make a brides's dreams come true, to make a day magical, and to make all those weddings guests gaga.  Once in a while, wouldn't it be nice if someone gave them their due attention?

How about now?

These gorgeous details made this bride and groom's day at Woodcrest Country Club just perfection and when I look upon them, I am flooded with wonderful memories of a wonderful couple on a wonderful day. All the wonderful people I met, the bonds I saw strengthened, the dreams that came all comes back to me.

Thank you, as always, to the ever talented Laura Napoli of Laura Napoli Photography for being there by my side.  

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