New Jersey Children's Portrait Photographer | Spunky Spirit

January 13, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

A few months ago, I donated a mini-session to a fundraiser for a very worth cause, Ben's Heroes.   The mission of this non-profit organization, created in honor of Benjamin "Ben" Schmied, is to promote awareness of Medulloblastoma and help the families of children affected by this form of cancer.  Everyday Ben is fighting his battle and we cannot wait for the day when he defeats this horrid villain.   But because of Ben, I got to meet this spunky spirit.

One of the things I love about children is how they bring their personality to every session.  When I capture them on camera, I may be gifted to see their silly side, their happy side, their contemplative side, whatever side they decide to share with me that day.  With adults, I can always count on them to follow my directions, do what I ask, look at the camera, smile, laugh on cue, etc.  While that is much more traditional and much easier to capture, it lacks the spirit that there is when I capture a child on camera.  Children her age don't like to follow my directions and I love it.  I would rather cement the memory of a child's personality through my images than to have dozens of  the "This is my Say Cheese smile" smile.  I always tell parents of children this age that I ADORE when they don't do as their told.  As they grow and mature, their ability and willingness to follow the directions of a photographer will too.  But during this precious window, you get to see their spirit, who they really are.

This little enchantress embodied that spirit.  Because who  is she?  Gorgeous, spunky, headstrong, and absolutely positively wonderful.  I cannot wait to see her again because I can't wait to see what spirit she brings with  her next time. 


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To learn more about Ben's Heroes, visit their website:


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